Starting on Monday 17th June 6pm we will be holding lessons in the rhythm of Bolero.
Round Dancing can be described as Choreographed Ballroom Dancing. It is a beautiful style of dancing covering many different rhythms. So why not give it a try, bring a partner and give it a go.
See you there!
What is Bolero?
Bolero is characterized by a closer hold, almost a waltz closed position, by the side step that begins most figures, by body rise during that first step, and by one of the slowest tempos in round dancing. A second key feature of bolero is a heaviness, an inertia, and a connectedness between the partners, from one body, through the arms, to the other body. So you don't just take the steps described above. You have tone that connects you to your partner, and each helps the other take each step. There is a dragging kind of feel and a consequent smooth flow.
You can think of Bolero as having a "slow, quick, quick" feel to it.
Watch a demonstration of Bolero below. Within 6 weeks we will have you dancing as beautifully as this.