Meeting Notice - 10am this Saturday at the square dance hall we will have a convention meeting followed by a general meeting. BYO lunch and your ideas. See you there!
Square Dancing, Round Dancing & Clogging .......... Fun, Fitness & Friendship to the beat of music.
5 Sept 2017
24 Aug 2017
5 Aug 2017
Sad News...
It is with deepest sympathy we advise our beloved Glad passed away peacefully last week.
Glad was a huge supporter of our club, attending every week, to every class, even clogging and helping with the many new learners we had through the door.
Many of us were unable to attend her funeral however we feel it only right
we should celebrate her life.
We welcome all dancers both past and present to help us celebrate the life of Gladys Noonan
Monday Night 7th August
6.30pm Rounds
7.30pm Club 50, Mainstream, Plus & A1
Dress Code: Full Square Dance Attire.... as Glad would have wanted it.
Please bring a plate to share for supper.
We look forward to seeing you there.
We will leave you with this old video we came across of Glad dancing with other past members.
17 Jun 2017
2017 Anniversary Dance
Come along and join us for a weekend of absolute fun with Alan Evans & Matthew Mills.
Saturday 24th June & Sunday 25th June 2017. See attached Program for more information.
See you there!
Saturday 24th June & Sunday 25th June 2017. See attached Program for more information.
See you there!
3 Jun 2017
26 May 2017
25 May 2017
27 Apr 2017
22 Apr 2017
12 Apr 2017
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter Everyone! Michael and Rachelle have always maintained Easter should be a time for family and friends and so with this in mind there will be no dancing over the Easter Holidays.
The following classes are impacted:
Friday 14th April - Advanced Clogging & Square Dancing
Sunday 16th April - Basic & Intermediate Clogging
Monday 17th April - Round Dancing & Square Dancing.
All dancing classes will resume Friday 21st April 2017 with their normal programmes.
Have a wonderful Easter and Stay Safe if you are travelling.
Notice of AGM
Please be advised our Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 8th May at 6pm Sharp at the Rockhampton Square Dance Centre 62 Fitzroy Street, Rockhampton. Please note there will be no Round Dancing this night but Square Dancing will resume once the meeting has been completed.
All positions are vacant on the committee and we encourage you to nominate
yourself or someone else in our group to take on a position.
Got any ideas on how we can fund raise or would like to bring any other ideas to the
committees attention - this will be the time to do so.
Membership forms are now due and payable for just $10.
Joining our group as a Member helps support your club and also helps to maintain the hall which we dance in. Please see Rachelle or Lorraine next time you are dancing for a copy of the membership form if you haven't joined already.
Look forward to seeing you all there.
Friday 28th April is Theme Night!
Friday 28th April is a Theme Night!
And the theme is.....
Coloured Hair!
Don't forget to wear coloured hair or pay the penalty on entry of $1
See you there!
Next Theme Night - Monday 24th April
Next Theme Night for will be Monday 24th April
And the theme is.....Wear Your Favourite Colour
Don't forget to wear a colour or pay the penalty on entry of $1
See you there!
2 Mar 2017
25 Feb 2017
Wear your team colours Theme Nught
Don't forget Monday Night is Wear Your Team Colours Night. See you at 7pm!
Please note no Round dancing while Rachelle and Michael are away - Monday nights will start at 7pm.
23 Feb 2017
Please help James :)
James has been dancing with our group for nearly a year. He is a lovely person who is very passionate about his family. James has been trying to raise the money on his own to bring his wife and daughter out to live in Australia but this is proving very difficult. You can read the full story here:
If you can spare a small donation, James and our dancers would be forever grateful xx
to make a donation towards James cause.

Rachelle & Michael
30 Jan 2017
News Flash!
For all the new dancers who will be attending our 1st sign on day on Friday the 5th February we have a special offer for you!
Bring a friend to your 2nd lesson and
get your whole lesson for FREE!
Yes that's right - one lesson on the house with your teacher Michael!
So start talking to all your friends and ask them to give it a go!
Did you Know?
We offer EFTPOS weekly & you can prepay your lessons!!!
Prepay 10 adult classes for $60 or
10 Student classes for $30 and you will
receive your 11th class for FREE!
How cool is that! Not only are you having fun learning you are also saving money!
See Rachelle at your next lesson for more details.
New Square Dancing Uniforms!
Wow! We are just in love with these new uniforms! We will be taking orders for these in the coming weeks. Please note we must have a minimum of 10 of each style to order...
So have a think about which style you would like. These uniforms can be worn weekly or at demonstrations and also when we attend other square dancing functions around the region to identify our awesome team!
There is no pressure to place an order. This is just a overview of what is available.
See Rachelle for more details.
See Rachelle for more details.
Club 50 Enrolment Day - Friday 3rd February 2017!
New classes are being held for our new and improved
Central Coast Club 50 Program.
(50 movements from our dance list taught over 13 weeks)
Starts Friday 3rd February 2017 from 6.30pm - 8pm
@ Rockhampton Square Dance Centre
62 Fitzroy Street, Rockhampton Qld 4700
Please help us spread the word.
Check out our video here!
From a recent discussion with a loving Parent
"I would just love my child to experience the freedom of dance without the pressure to perform in a competition, let them discover themselves and enjoy it!"
The great news is now they can! Square Dancing is fun, energetic and doesn't come with the pressure of competitions or costumes and lets the everyone express themselves in a way they feel comfortable. Not just for the kids but for all ages 6 and up! It allows you to work your muscles & memory in a fun and exciting new way! Join us each Friday Night from 6.30pm.
For more information please contact our awesome teacher
Michael Mills on 0408 703910.
11 Jan 2017
Welcome to a New Year!
Welcome to a New Year! Michael and Rachelle are busy planning the calendar for the coming year - it's going to be amazing!
Classes start in the following order:
Friday 13th January - Advanced Clogging 5pm
Sunday 15th January - Basic Clogging 5.30pm, Intermediate Clogging 6.30pm
Monday 23rd January - Square Dancing/Round Dancing 6pm
Friday 27th January - Basics & Mainstream Square Dancing 6.30pm
Don't forget we are attending the Gracemere Australia Day celebrations at Cedric Archer Park - Demo will be at 2pm. More details will be announced soon.
Classes start in the following order:
Friday 13th January - Advanced Clogging 5pm
Sunday 15th January - Basic Clogging 5.30pm, Intermediate Clogging 6.30pm
Monday 23rd January - Square Dancing/Round Dancing 6pm
Friday 27th January - Basics & Mainstream Square Dancing 6.30pm
Don't forget we are attending the Gracemere Australia Day celebrations at Cedric Archer Park - Demo will be at 2pm. More details will be announced soon.
Looking forward to a sensational year of dancing and fun! New Classes are coming soon - keep an eye on our page for more details.
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